Friday, August 28, 2009

A few Summer Pics

Spencer and Dan having a headstand competition. Spencer won.

Alex Finally turned 21! He celebrated at the Tavernacle.

Mexico sounds pretty good right now.

Orrin Liar Orrin Liar Orrin Liar Orrin Liar Orrin Liar Orrin Liar Orrin Liar Orrin Liar Orrin

I could list many reasons why Utah is NOT the best state for me to live in, but the one that might actually drive me out would be the lies the politicians say and the people who believe it.
So Orrin Hatch ... you piece of shit.... I copied and pasted directly from Obama's Website...

REDUCES COSTS — Rising health care costs are crushing governments,
businesses, individuals, and families, and they must be brought under control
for hard-working Americans.
GUARANTEES CHOICE — Every American must have the freedom to choose
their plan and doctor – including the choice of a public insurance option.
ENSURES QUALITY CARE FOR ALL — All Americans must have access to
quality, affordable care.
Mr. Orrin Hatch (what a dumb name) please stop telling people and funding commercials that say Obama is trying to take away choice for all Americans. If you like your current healthcare plan you can F**KING keep it. And I hope you do cause I hate to picture MY government paying your medical bills.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A great Sunday

Sunday was a fun day.... we went to Happy Sumo with Darci and got yummy yummy sushi. Then we went to the clark planetarium and saw Under The Sea 3D. It was flippin awesome. I have never been so scared of a cod fish in my life.

Then we went to Lowes and picked up a patio cover for Spencers Parents. Went to Kaysville and mingled with the family for a while. And for those of you who dont know... Tanner got his mission call to Tempe Arizona. He leaves this fall.

We cruised on up to Roy and spent the evening chilling in the shade of Todd & Becky's backyard. It was a relaxing evening. Kick back a few cold ones. Take off your shoes. Feel the warm breeze on your skin. Just want I needed.

Join us next time.