Sunday, July 11, 2010

They call me mellow yellow

I could get really personal in this blog and say all that really happened this past week. The worst week of my life thus far. But instead I choose to share what I have learned about myself, life, and people. Which in turn is completely related to this past weeks events.
Yesterday I read for 6 1/2 hours. I completed from beginning to end a book called "The Color Code" first. In this book it has you complete a 50 question survey, then classifies you into a personality color group. I am Yellow. Anyone who has read this book knows what that means and is probably saying to yourselves "yes, Rena, you are yellow". No personality color is BETTER than the other. That is the important thing to remember. This book teaches you how to identify others peoples color groups so you know how to act and react towards them.. It helps explain why people do what they do. Their flaws and their strengths. Spencer is a White, the Peacekeeper. An introvert. A lone wolf. The one who prefers to watch the big crown rather than to join in. Audrey (Spencer’s mom) told me a storey on Wednesday about Spencer. When he was about 10 years old he came home from school and was greeted by his mother. She asked "What did you do today at recess?" His reply "Nothing. I just sit on the wall and watch the other kids play."
Now keep in mind.... we NEED all the color personalities to make this world work. For every White we need a Red. Red are the money driven, CEO wannabe, power hungry folk that start the large multi-million companies. White does not need all that, they just want to have peace and gain knowledge. Yellows don’t desire power or wealth either. Yellows want excitement, fun, bright lights and lots of color. They are the loud mouth chatterboxes who hate being too serious and often are perceived as vain. If fact they love people, all kinds of people, of all ages. Yellows don’t talk because they like to hear themselves talk, they talk because 'like a child' everything is interesting in them. Yellows can live almost anywhere, and they usually try. Its true, yellows talk too much and they cant sit still, but they are the motivators. They provide much needed humor and encouragement in the world.

Now that I know I am a yellow. How can I change my abrasive, loud mouth, talkative ways? One word… Kindness.
Here are some quotes that might be useful to all the other yellows out there:

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming genuinely interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” How to win friends and influence people

“When I first decided to serve others, I didn’t realize it meant forgiving them.” The Code

“We are most effective in understanding other people when we see them whole - treating them as complete personalities rather than focusing on either their strengths or limitations.” The Color Code

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